Surviving Quarantine: Arby's 13 Hour Puzzle

Our Arby’s 13 Hour Puzzle, spotted in several publications as a “meat-ingful" way to survive quarantine boredom!



Arby’s 13 Hour Puzzle available at

Back in the beginning of quarantine everyone was desperate for activities to fill up their free time at home. Noticing the spike in consumer demand, we worked with Arby’s to design and deliver an outrageously fun 1000 piece puzzle that would take 13-hours to complete. Featuring every type of Arby’s sandwich plus their infamous curly fries, it’s definitely not for the faint of heart. While we did know people were on the hunt for quarantine type activities, we did not expect the amount of buzz this puzzle created! 

Featured in People, Thrillist, Delish, and all over Twitter and Facebook, this press worthy puzzle immediately made a name for itself and quickly sold out. Not to worry though, we were able to restock and keep the puzzle on the shelf for Arby’s fans.

People magazine wrote an article about the Arby’s fan favorite puzzle, mentioning, “Puzzles have quickly become one of the top pastimes of 2020 — so much so that puzzle shortages are now a thing. So where can you find a puzzle that is actually in stock? The answer is Arby's. The puzzle has 1000 meaty pieces and is currently available on Arby's Shop website for $25. According to Arby's the puzzle is challenging and will put your "mind and patience to the test."”

A close up of the puzzle design, featuring all the meats!

A close up of the puzzle design, featuring all the meats!


We still replenish these puzzles regularly and it is currently available on Arby’s Consumer Site:

Always innovating, this project was one of the many examples of how the Icebox quickly pivoted to meet the changing needs of the quarantine lifestyle, making this a win for puzzlers and a win for the Icebox!

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